A. Arrival Notices :
For Southbound Transit, MASTER, should be 5 days 48/24/12 Hours prior to Arrival Notice to:
Shadco Marine Services Co.
The master should also give the full particulars of the vessel, including Ex. name (if applicable), Date of last transit, SCNRT/SCGRT as per Suez Canal Certificate. Also details of any Cargo on board, including the IMO class (if any), last and next ports of call. In case of no modification to the vessel since last transit, Master to state “PARTICULARS NOCHANGE” At the same time mentioning whether there is a light projector on board. Furthermore, any master’s and/or vessels requirement should be cabled to Shadco Marine Co.
B. Arrival Registration :
To avoid missing convoys and/or delays, Master, on arrival should immediately contact the pilot by VHF: CHANNELS 14 & 16 SUEZ.
Shadco have a constant watch on all the above channels in order to follow the vessels arrival and assist the master when necessary. Also master can phone us .
C. Signal Hoists :
On arrival to Suez, a vessel is required to show the following flags:
4. IMMIGRATION SIGNAL, flags TP by day, or ED LIGHT above two WHITE LIGHTS by night
5. THE SIGNAL required by Suez Canal Authority regulation to denote the nature of any Dangerous Cargo on Board.
D. Convoys:
1.a. THE FIRST starts at 01:00 hours, until 05:00 hours with an arrival limit of 19:00 hours.
1.b. THE SECOND starts at 07:00 hours, until 09:00 hours, with arrival limit of 03:00 hours.
2. Suez – N.B.
There is ONE CONVOY starting at 05:00 hours with arrival limit of 01:00 hours for big container vessels, VLCC’S ULCC’S, Super tankers, Heavy Bulk carriers, L.P.G. & L.N.G. and vessels with draft over 38 feet. For Cargo and any other types of vessels, the arrival limit is 03:00 hours.
3. For vessels prospect to arrive AFTER LIMIT TIME, please contact us 24 hours before arrival. For up-to-date information and to enable vessel not to miss convoy.
4. Transit Speed is normally 14 kilometers per hour, except loaded VLCC’S LPG, LNG, loaded tankers and heavy bulk carriers where the speed during northbound transit is 13 kph
E. Booking Convoys:
Due to the increase in Canal traffic, priority will be given to vessels notifying the S.C.A (Suez Canal Authority) 5 days in advance of the intended transit, provided the vessel arrives within the time limits stipulated. A fine is imposed by the S.C.A. if the vessel does not transit on the notified date, therefore it is imperative to alter or cancel any such notification at least 24 hours in advance.
F. Documents Required on Vessel’s Arrival:
1. The Suez Canal Special Tonnage Certificate.
2. The General Arrangement.
3. The Capacity Plan.
4. The Engine Room Plan.
5. Full Manifests of the Cargo on board the ship should be submitted to the Authorities prior passage.
6. For all vessels of UP TO 2000 Suez Canal Gross Tonnage the original Safety Construction Certificate is required to be submitted prior transiting the Canal, otherwise a Seaworthiness Certificate should be issued in place. Vessel transiting for THE FIRST TIME is inspected by the Suez Canal Surveyors; Masters are to handle three Photostat copies of the above (1-4) certificates/Plans to S.C.A. for the ship’s file. In absence of Suez Canal Certificate, S.C.A. will charge tolls based, on the GRT of the vessel, until such time a Certificate is on board and the vessel is measured.
G. Ships Dimensions for Transiting the Canal:
For up-to-date information and permissible drafts/beams for any vessel, please contact one of our offices.
H. Mooring Ropes:
The Suez Canal Authority’s Regulations stated that:
At Least 6 FLEXIBLE Mooring Ropes of appropriate size for the vessel, in good condition, fitted with SPLICED EYES, must be in readiness for any emergency, at suitable points on deck. For vessels equipped with tension mooring lines, likely to produce sparks by their manipulation is absolutely forbidden on board petroleum tankers, LPG or LNG or any vessel carrying inflammable substances.
1. One of the ropes which is selected as “First line ashore” must be of floating material to ensure quick securing to the shore.
2. Wires should not exceed 5.5 circumferences to facilitate handling.
Two fire ropes (wire) made fast one forward and one aft., humph over the vessel’s side ready for use in case of emergency.
I. Mooring Boats:
VESSELS Transiting the Canal must have MOORING BOATS hired from Mooring Company and APPROVED by the Suez Canal Authority.
This mooring boats must be in constant readiness for lowing to run the ropes to the to the MOORING SPOSTS without any delay during the transit of the vessel.
In case of no mooring boats from the Said Company are available, SHIP’S BOATS if suitable for mooring in the Canal can be used and must be manned by shore crew, hired from the same mooring company. Each boat is to be manned by three men.
Ships may ask for additional motorboats or mooring boats according to master’s request.
Ships must be fitted with lifting appliances capable for lifting mooring boats of 4 tons weight.
J. Projector (Searchlights):
Projector are compulsory transit and normally hired from the local company, LPG & LNG tankers should be equipped with own projectors conform to the Suez Canal Authority’s rule of Navigation, and that said projector should be gastight. It is also recommended by the S.C.A. that all vessels having a bulbous also have their own projector fitted on board.
K. Pilot – Escort & Fines:
1. The S.C.A.’s regulations state that, it is compulsory to have a pilot onboard for transit changes of bith, entering or leaving Canal (or ports) and for any movement whatsoever. Failure to comply with this regulation will face heavy fines as S.C.A. rules.
2. Vessels facing Accident, groundings, listings, steering, problems, engine defects, etc., whilst transiting the Canal, may attract an escort tug, imposed by S.C.A.
3. Vessels unable to maintain the minimum transiting speed will be placed at the end of the convoy and/or may attract an escort tug, as well as extra tools or even miss the convoy.
L. Reductions Granted by S.C Authority:
For up-to-date information and rules, please contact us.
M. Change Crew, Spare Parts Parcels:
Bunkering, Provisions and any Ship’s Supplies:
Please contact us for up to date information.
N. For Loading/Discharging Operations:
At any EGYPTIAN PORTS, please contact us for latest information and facilities available.
O. Suez Canal Characteristics:
Overall length 192 kms
From Port Said to Ismailia 78 kms
From Ismailia to Port Tawfik 84 kms
Breadth at water level 300 m
Breadth Between buoys 180 m
Maximum permissible draught of ships 53 ft
Depth of the Canal 19.5/20 m
Gross Sectional area 3600 m
P. Navigation in the Suez Canal:
* Navigation in the Suez Canal is around the clock.
* The Canal is a single lane Canal. Interspersed with four passing points.
* Ships transit the Canal, in Convoys. There are three convoys daily:
from Port Said: 0100
from Port Said: 0700
from Suez : 0600
* Pilotage is compulsory for all vessels over 300 tons.
* Two Roads pilots and two Canal pilot board the vessel and operate in successive sectors from the first light buoy at the port of entry to the last light buoy at the port of exit.
* A speed limit is imposed in the Canal. This varies between 11km/h and 16km/h depending on the category and tonnage of the vessel. In the Southern Sector, it varies between 11km/h and 16km/h depending on the velocity and direction of the tidal current.
* The average transit time is 14 hours.
Choose a Subject to Read aboutArrival NoticesArrival RegistrationSignal HoistsConvoysBooking ConvoysDocuments Required on Vessel’s ArrivalShips Dimensions for Transiting CanalMooring RopesMoorign BoatsProjector (Searchlights)Pilot – Escort & FinesReductions Granted by S.C.A.Change Crew, Spare Parcels, etc.For Loading/Discharging OperationsSuez Canal CharacteristicsNavigation in the Suez Canal .